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  • jasmyn jasmyn
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Due to the impact of many factors such as life pressure and work pressure, the number of infertility among the population of childbearing age in our country is gradually increasing. However, having children is still the pursuit of many people, because these people are eager to find some ways to conceive. However, almost all kinds of methods have been tried, but his wife's stomach still no response. What has actually happened?

Four factors lead to infertility

First, frequent sexual intercourse.

Many couples think it is not enough because they are not enough to "work hard", so many husbands and wives frequently perform sexual intercourse. Actually, too often, the male's sperm becomes more and more thinner, resulting in fewer sperm and more and more quality Bad situation.

Second, stature is obese.

If women are obese, body leptin, insulin and so easy to rise, can lead to serious can not ovulate, and will increase the risk of suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome index, thus exacerbating the situation of anovulation.

Third, poor sperm quality.

Most men have smoking, drinking, staying up late and other bad habits, these will affect the quality of sperm. Coupled with the pressure of men, many men are in a state of sub-health, male sperm in this state is not high quality.

Fourth, tubal inflammation.

According to the survey, 40 to 60% of infertility patients are due to tubal inflammation, which will lead to tubal blockage, and can not make eggs and sperm normal encounter.

These four are the main factors that modern people can not bear. So what should we do to be successful with children?

Do a good job these few things can be pregnant

A reasonable sex life

Frequent sexual intercourse does not necessarily make people, so we do not want to indulge, but do not need to abstinence, the number of sexual life modest enough.

2. Increase the vitality of the egg

The sperm is not viable and can not successfully conceive. Therefore, both husband and wife can usually eat more eggs, meat and other foods, to increase the vitality of sperm or egg, increasing the chance of conception.

3. Drink water to eliminate inflammation

Drinking water is good for health, we all know it. But we do not know is that women drink plenty of water for the fetus to provide a healthy and stable development environment. If women usually have the habit of brewing dandelion tea with hot water, they can play a role in preventing inflammation.

4. Both husband and wife do check

The woman's words, then the need for female sex hormone test, thyroid function tests, gynecological B ultrasound, ovulation monitoring, hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and other tests.

Men's words, should be a medical history and strict physical examination, testicular size test, but also need to do some semen examination, sex hormone test, scrotal ultrasound B, sperm function-related determination of sperm acrosin activity and mixed globulin response and other laboratory tests An oil vaporizer runs on oil vape pen battery which needs charging. Now imagine one that takes long hour to pre-heat! Isn\'t that irritating? So, it\'s always better to buy an oil vape pen battery from reputed online sites!.

  • jasmyn jasmyn